Thursday, October 11, 2007

Okay, you all know about what we're going through right now with our mortgage....nothing new there, except no one seems to think they can help.
My house has become infested with bugs. I went to the "bug store" as Allan would call it, and they said it was a grain weevil (?). I found the unopened box of milkbones. I've removed the source, but the bugs are still around. Not as badly, but still around.
My phone stopped working. I have no dial tone on any of my landlines. The computer works, and there's a signal at the outside box. Someone was supposed to come yesterday, but they never showed, so now I have to wait again today. I should charge them the $45 every 15 minutes they're going to charge me.
And, to top it all off, I woke up this morning with a pimple on my ass.


Anonymous said...

Get your man to squeeze it.

Bert Bananas said...

Paint eyes and a mouth on yer ass and let the pimple be the nose... Post a photo!

Anonymous said...

Schell, at least you still have your sense of humor!



Orbie/\;;/\ said...

Schell, Grain weevils do not require spraying or poison, they require secure packaging of all your flour type products in glass screw top containers.... You should check everything edible in a box for the little buggers... they are not dangerous, they are not poisonous, but the chemicals you might use to get rid of them could harm you.

We used to reccomend that people freeze any flour and sift the bugs out... most people didn't go for that and wasted perfectly good flour... they will only hang around for as long as they have a meal and if they are persistant they can chew through plastic.