Saturday, September 15, 2007

Too dull for a title

Sadly, or maybe gladly, I don't have too much to report. This is the thing I don't like about blogging. I feel like I "have to" update, but when I don't have anything exciting going on, I desperately try to come up with something witty and clever. As you're probably noticing, I'm coming up empty.
Braden really likes school so far this year. He likes his classes and his teachers. Hopefully it will last the whole year.
JJ's doing well. He's only home to eat, sleep and do homework. Last night, he went to his first high school dance. When he came home he said it was "Alright". Which in JJ language means good.
Braden is on a scout canoeing/camping trip this weekend. Not to sound like a rotten parent, but it's nice to have him gone from time to time. He's pretty high maintenance.
I warned Braden and JJ countless times about the state of their dirty laundry. I've always done all the laundry here, but that doesn't mean I need to turn their sweaty, damp socks inside right, or pull apart beaters and regular shirts. Over the summer, I told them that if they didn't start "prepping" their clothes, they were going to have to do their own wash. That worked for about two weeks...then it started getting ridiculous again, so now they have to do their own. It's nice only having to do mine and Keith's. I'm rather enjoying it. I might actually start making them do more things for themselves.


UrbanStarGazer said...

My nephew explained to me the other day that at high school dances, you don't ask girls to dance anymore. That everyone just sort of dances and you just dance over to the girl you want to dance with and just start dancing. Odd.

Brenda said...

i have seen young people dance as you describe and i actually think it is cool. they all kind of just dance with each other and it all melds into one big fun time.

Anonymous said...

I had a friend who was made to do her own laundry and ironing from the age of 8. I thought it was a bit extreme, but when I left home at 21, I couldn't do a thing for myself. It all came as a bit of a shock.