Saturday, September 29, 2007

"Money, it's a gas"

It was a pretty boring week here....nothing too exciting going on.
I heard back from the mortgage company..."I'm sorry, Mrs. Koch, there's nothing we can do. We have to honor the original contract, so you're responsible for the full amount." I honestly don't know what we're going to do. We have an appointment with an attorney on Tuesday. I hope he can tell us something positive.
I went to JJ's open house on Thursday night. All his teachers had wonderful things to say about him. I'm very proud of him. His football coaches told me that he does great, but they'd like to see some meanness from him on the field. I told him that we worked very hard at getting this mellow JJ we have now, thank you very much.
Braden's still on his, "I like school" kick, so we're running with it. I have never seen a more girl-crazy kid than him. He volunteered for the science mentoring program, where he'll work with 6th graders having problems in science class.
Renee is starting CNA training on Monday, and Joe's still a prison guard, although they've added him to the crisis team now, and he has to wear riot gear all the time, which he says is very heavy and cumbersome.
Tonight I'm going to a surprise birthday party for the teacher I work with. I'm looking forward to a night out. I might let my hair down and act not-my-age for a change. Although it's hard to act not-my-age when I will worry about drinking and driving, if the kids are behaving at home and all the crap I have to get done on Sunday. But, I'll give it the ole college try.


Anonymous said...

Post and let us know what your solicitor says. I'm sure there must be something they can do.

mavis sidebottom said...

could you sell your house for the whole amount of the mortgage if the worst came to the worst?

Anonymous said...

i'm glad rene is doing well and so is joe (the never mentioned!)

i worry about my friends who became corrections officers after college. a few years ago one man in my criminology classes took a job with the state as a CO. he was a nice guy, we studied togther a few times. it was hard for him to fit in with everyone because he was a nontraditional student, married with kids and a mortgage etc. i liked him though, he wasn't a dumbass like the other guys.

he was shot in the face in a prison riot in cresaptown, MD about 2 years ago and now no guns are allowed in state prisons. something awful has to happen for some common sense to kick in. i hope they're paying joe more for being on the crisis team.

as to your other problem, i have no advice except to pray for you and wish you luck. in the end, you could try and sell keith's sperm, or maybe a kidney... : )


mavis sidebottom said...

hey why not hire keith out as a stud/

schell said...

Are you interested?
Let's negotiate.

Anonymous said...

schell, it just occured to me, read your contract and see what it says about this matter. it has to say something.


Roger said...

Hope you had a good night out, Schell. Ditto the appt with the lawyer. Anything you need, let me know.