Sunday, December 10, 2006

"Mr. Bigstuff, who do you think you are?"

I don't know who I think I am, but some people's Christmas lights/displays really piss me off. I would like to have a little tablet of tickets made up and go around and put them on people's doors. They would say, "I've seen your Holiday display and:" then one of the following would be checked off:
1. They're absolutely beautiful
2. Nice job
3. You're almost there, keep trying
4. What in the hell are you thinking? You should have your power cut off so no one has to look at this hideous creation

I know it's petty and anal of me, but it really gets on my nerves when people have horrible looking decorations out. Who DO I think I am?

On another note, I've lost a big chunk of my Christmas money. It was sitting on the island in the kitchen, and Keith said, "you better put that somewhere." and I did. I thought I put it in the envelope where I had the rest of the money, but it's not there. I've checked every drawer, cuppyhole, basket and cabinet. I can't find it anywhere. $400. Down the drain. I don't even know how long it's been missing. Could have been for weeks, since I hardly did any shopping yet, I don't really go in that envelope. It could have been stolen, I guess, or I could have misplaced it. Maybe I even threw it away by mistake. There are going to be some sad faces, mainly mine, come Christmas morning.


Anonymous said...

My mom did that once: five $100 bills that she says she stashed in a book. I helped her go through all her hardback and paperbacks. The money never turned up.

Wouldn't it be cool if God judged us by our X-mas decorations? Luckily you and I have such great taste and would ascend to sit at the right hand of Gawd.

I hope JJ realizes what Santa did for him this year.

The Broards said...

WTF? Is that supposed to be CUBBYHOLE--or is cuppyhole a real thing?

What kind of decorations piss you off? I don't get pissed off at decorations, although I find it odd when people put up one of each thing KMart or Target has in inventory.
One house has a Santa on the Roof, a Nativity scene on the lawn, reindeer and snowmen and candy canes all over the place. It looks like they're trying to cover all bases.

Anonymous said...

I was going to leave it alone, but then I saw an older pick up truck with Texas plates on it. It was heading N/B on I-15. The reason I looked twice was because on the rear window was a long line of white lettering: LSU Veterinary Medicine. There was a female behind the wheel. But she looked too young to be TooHot. I thought about writing out a message: "Are you TooHot?" but since the odds were that she wasn't, it could get me into trouble. So, what's the word on TooHot?

And what I meant by not letting it alone: You used a two word phrase: "...pretty anal..."

How is BluDahlia?

schell said...

Emma, I sincerely thank you for pointing out my spelling error. Of course I meant cubbyhole. What would I do without you???
I hate colored icicle lights, I hate icicle lights hung inside a window, I hate those blow-up things, I hate 50 Christmas decorations, lit or not, in the space of 50 square feet, should I go on?

The Broards said...

"What would I do without you???"

I shudder to think!!!

The Broards said...

Oh and Schell,

I hide things from myself all the time and then forget where I put them--either that---or the P's steal them

Anonymous said...

I only like very small bright wite xmas lights tastefully strung on trees and bushes in peoples front gardens and perhaps a holly wrreath one the door ,I am an xmas minimalist

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was the black boy