Friday, November 19, 2010

Hey. Long time, no see.

What's new with me, you ask?
And not much. Work front is still the same. Liking my new job as secretary. The kids are all doing great. Brighton is growing so fast and is so smart. I enjoy every minute I spend with him.
As you might remember, we do our Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday here, which is great. But it usually leaves us bored on Thanksgiving day. So, I've invited a few kids from the Children's Home (kids that either have no home to go to, or no home where they're welcomed) here for a semi-Thanksgiving dinner. I'll rent some movies, there will be football on tv for the boys. We'll play some cards or board games. Hopefully they'll have a good time.
At home, a big change. Gio moved in with us. Things were going great. He's so sweet when he's here. He's good with Brighton when they visit. We went to a boring family get together and he was very good with all the older people there. We've had numerous heart-to-hearts about his future, lifestyle changes I expect from him, making something of himself. He was getting it. Really getting it.
But, Tuesday I got a phone call that I had to take him to the police station regarding an altercation he got in before he came to live here. I took him down there, under the impression, according to the detective, that he would be charged, then released to Keith and I. WRONG. They kept him. Now they're talking about shipping him back to Philly, some other placement. This is reminding me of all the crap we had to go through with JJ. So, I'm back in fighting mode. DHS, Children's Home, Juvenile Justice. And, just think....I didn't even want to get to know the little shit. Then I wasn't sure if I wanted another kid. Then, the next thing I know...I'm in love. His behaviors at school settled down, he gets great reports from his teachers. He's helpful around the house. And, unlike all the other kids I have (And I know this is all normal) he doesn't think that everything Keith and I say is absurd. He hangs on our every word, like we know everything there is to know about everything.
On a selfish note, there is something about introducing a kid who has had a very rough life, to all the normal/dysfunctional things most families experience. Eating dinner together every night. Talking about the future. Planning a little vacation. Talking about decorating for Christmas. Anyway, now I have made it my personal responsibility to make sure this kid doesn't slip through the cracks. He told me that he's never had anybody support him before like Keith and I do. He said it really helps him "chill".
That's really about all I have to report on.


emma said...

Schell, you and Keith are good people.

Brenda said...

there is a goodness in you that others are lucky to have.

Sonya said...

I was wondering how are you doing. Thanks for the update. Sorry you have to fight another battle, but glad you're doing it.