Saturday, September 13, 2008

"someone left the cake out in the rain...."

Last night I got to spend 2 1/2 hours sitting in the rain at JJ's football game. We won at least...but two out of the last three games have been in the pouring rain. And, ironically enough, last weekend Keith and I were out shopping for a baby shower gift when I saw these really cute flowered rain boots on sale for $10. They were so cute, I saw they had my size, I picked them up then often would you wear rain boots? Is it worth $10.00? Well, last night at around 7:30 I would have sold my wedding ring for them!

Renee is going to a 90 day rehab in Texas. She just had to get a physical and some tests done. That's done and faxed to the they'll be calling any day with her start date. I think Ray found a job!!! Through an employment agency. Not that I want to give him an excuse to stay here longer...but I don't want him taking the baby. It's second shift, so I'd hardly ever see him! He's a goof ball with no job, no career, no license, no place to live and not a cent to his name. He thinks he's taking the baby to Camden NJ. Where, by the way, his cousin was just stabbed at a convenience store. Over my dead body! I told him he was welcome to leave and that I would care for Brighton until Renee got home. Not that Keith and I really feel like having a baby in our lives at this point, but, how would I ever sleep again knowing he might be hungry or wearing a dirty diaper?

On a comletely, less dramatic, note, today and tomorrow my whole household is being relegated to yard work. I might as well use the free labor while I have it. I want to move all my periennials (I'm sure that's spelled wrong, but I'm too lazy to look it up) and I have to dig up all my day lillies and divide them, plus I have a large bush that needs to be moved.


emma said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for Renee. If I lived closer to you, I'd help you move your plants.

Do not let the baby Daddy take the baby to Camden!!!---it's a hellhole.

Love you Schell...I miss chatting with you about Tea Lady and your painting. Have you done any painting lately?

Jilly said...

i agree with emma, do not let that baby go to camden, it's like hell, but worse. good luck to renee on the rehab. from what i've seen, the real work begins after rehab. you seem to be that baby's best shot right now, so hold on to him tightly.


Anonymous said...

Please sign me up for the crew moving your big bush. Thank you.

The odds are that Goofy is happy you're taking the kid. I think you need Renee to give you something in writing about you have guardian/grandma-ship status so that no prissy City, State or Federal oafficial has to chance to hassle you, should some circumstance arise where they could. Get it notarized...

mavis sidebottom said...

I think Id rather wax than let bert sort out my bush to be honest

UrbanStarGazer said...

Good for Renee. I will keep my fingers crossed for her (since I'm not religious so don't pray).

Never been to Camden but I (shudder) have to agree with Bert that Goofy would probably be happy for you to keep the baby and you should get something from Renee in writing.