Sunday, September 21, 2008

"..all the news that is news across the nation...."

You're never going to believe these....

The rehab that Renee was going to go to is in Houston. Where did Hurricane Ike go? That's right. We haven't been able to get a hold of anyone and are in limbo. Their phone lines are down, I guess. I have no way of knowing if the place was destroyed or if they're just waiting for power to be restored.

Goofy got a job!

Braden came to me yesterday and said he apologized for all the lip he give us and for all the hard times he's caused. He promised to try to think of other people and stop being such a pain in the ass. He actually hugged me good night last night and said he loved me...IN FRONT OF A FRIEND!!

JJ actually came to me for advice with a girl problem.

That's one big minus, yet three pluses!


emma said...

I'm sure Renee is fine.

is Braden 15 now?---he did a good thing.

Re JJ---what kind of girl problem? Not the pg kind, I hope.

schell said...

Oh no. Choosing between two girls for gf's.

Anonymous said...

I hope you told him, "the rich one!"

vq said...

Dave always reminds me that bad news typically travels fast, and no news is nearly always good news. I'm sure you'd have heard if the rehab blew away!

Glad things are looking up on the home front.

schell said...

The problem is she didn't go yet. I'm not worried that SHE was caught in the hurricane...she was supposed to go last week, and we haven't heard anything about when that might happen now.

UrbanStarGazer said...

I have some friends in Houston and they were without power for several days but otherwise fine.