Sunday, September 10, 2006

"It's a family affair..."

Two school weeks down, countless more to go.
Braden mostly likes all his teachers....he doesn't dislike any of them, so that's a big plus. JJ, on the other hand, absolutely hates his teacher. And, knowing JJ as I do, that's going to lead to trouble. He's already gotten into little arguements with her over her treatment of other kids in the class. I'm trying to explain to him that maybe it would be in his best interest if he just worried about himself, instead of the others, but little Al Sharpton thinks that he has to stand up for people that won't stand up for themselves.
My class is pretty good. My favorite student so far just got sent back to Philadelphia, so I have a vacancy. (I'll tell you his story another time, you just need to know it's a sad one) We're getting a new girl on Monday, a transfer down from another class. She's a beautiful girl, but as street as they come. Every other word out of her mouth is "fuck", and she doesn't even realize she says it. It should be interesting. She'll be the only girl in the class, so that should shake things up a bit too.
I took my venus fly trap plant in last week, and the kids are fascinated. I have to keep looking for little things like that to take in. Things that make them ask questions and want to know more.
I'm sad that summer's over. Summer is my favorite time of year. Although, I can say that I'm a little anxious to decorate for fall. I love putting mums, pumpkins and hay bales on the porch. And, the colors are so pretty.
JJ had his first football game on Tuesday. They won, 21-0. He's second string, but got to play nearly the whole fourth quarter, and made a really good tackle, where they announced his name on the loud speaker. He's also on all the special teams, whatever that means.
The new tv season is starting soon. There's a couple of shows that look promising, plus I can't wait for Earl, The Office and Lost to start up again. Prison Break already began its new season, and it's really good. JJ made fun of me the first night it was on, because I told him we all gather in the living room and watch it as a family. He kept mocking the "family time" part of the process. But, now every Monday he says, "Miss, today's Monday. We all watch Prison Break together tonight." If his hood buddies at the Home could hear him, they'd faint. Or disown him. Or envy him.


UrbanStarGazer said...

Typical American family. I love it! :)

schell said...

Blt, but, what does it mean to be on special teams? Is that a good thing or a bad?
And, no, he doesn't clap his hands together and shout "Dy-no-mite". He doesn't even know about Good Times. That's a shame, isn't it?