Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"then peace will guide the planets..." Or proposition for Tree

I am reading "Eat, Pray, Love" right now. It was a book group pick. I probably wouldn't have chosen it myself, but I'm enjoying it. I would love to take a year off and travel. I don't know if I'd pick the three places the author chose...although Italy would be one.
Right now she's in India and talks about meditating and her guru. It got me to thinking. I want a guru. And, I've chosen Tree.
Doesn't she seem like the guru type? She's so calm and rational. When she's angry...does she really get angry or just annoyed? Anyway, when she's peeved, she can get her point across without sounding argumentative or self-righteous. When she's happy, she sounds wonderfully happy. She's so eloquent. And, to me at least, she seems at peace with herself and those around her. I would like to be more like her. Maybe then I'd be handling all this stress better than I am now.
How 'bout it Tree? Would you be my guru?

1 comment:

Sonya said...

Schell, I am completely unqualified for guru-dom. I need a guru too. But would you settle for sympathetic ear? I'm very good at that.

I really enjoyed Eat, Pray, Love. Gilbert's also good in person, so if you ever get a chance to hear her speak, I think you would enjoy her. I downloaded the audiobook of EPL and couldn't wait to get back to it.